Wednesday, September 3, 2008

365: 115

So I am looking at yesterdays picture and smacking myself in the seems that picture was a little foreshadowing. This afternoon Monkey was sleeping after a morning at the doctors office getting diagnosed with Strep throat and getting antibiotics. I was filling out some forms and heard him stirring and started gathering up my things when I heard a loud thump and a cry. I ran to his room, opened the door, and saw no baby in the bed (a horrible feeling). My little Monkey has decided to try crawling out of his bed and had landed on the floor. The nurse in me kicked in, I did a head to toe assessment, did a neuro assessment, reminded myself that he did not lose consciousness...then held him and bawled :). Needless to say, we got his bed lowered as soon as The Hubs got home :).
(We opted for a recliner we could relocate in the house after Monkey got bigger instead of a glider rocker we might only use for a year...and my tush is so glad we did!)


Michelle said...

I'm glad he's okay, but I'm so laughing at the nursing instinct. It's funny how that just sort of kicks in. BTW, if you ever wonder who's checking out your blog from Georgia... it's me at work. I guess the relocated Georgia to the other side of 435.