Ahh the blessings of having your parents embrace technology :). I love that my parents can text, know what e-mail is, and can use skype so we can "see" other once in while. And most of the time my mother is a completely hilarious, cool Facebook friend. There have only been a few instances when I have had to tell her a picture comment might not be appropriate or detag myself from a picture. However tonight my mom, aka Yo Mama, hit a Facebook home run :)! I posted this pic on FB of Monkey last month trying on his Halloween costume with the following caption:
"Halloween costumes have come a long way since I was Yoda, which consisted of a plastic body tarp and a drool collecting mask with eye slits in it :)."
So I log on to see that my mom has tagged me in a photo:
So I log on to see that my mom has tagged me in a photo:
I would love to know how that conversation went:
"No Mommy, I don't want to be a princess, I want to be YODA!"
"No Mommy, I don't want to be a princess, I want to be YODA!"