Thursday, March 5, 2009

365: 295


Every year, the morning radio show that I listen to does a three day fund raiser for the hospital I work for as well as another local hospital with a pediatric unit. Every year I seem to be driving home after working all night and listening to it on my way home. They played a montage of patients saying what they wanted to be when they grew up and one of them was one of "my kids." I loved that of all those voices, I knew hers. I feel so blessed and lucky to have a job that I love and that fulfills me. I can usually only listen to it for a little while since it's at the end of my day, I am tired, and more emotional than usual...crying hysterical driver does not = safety :)! But I heard this little guy and his story and it was great. The little boy had an infectious laugh and was giggling as his mother recounted his story. The DJ asked the little boy's mother if he is in any pain and in his tiny little 4 year old voice he said "No, that's crazy!" and started laughing. Everyone in the studio and I were laughing and I still do whenever they replay it :).